Favorite Reads of 2023
Typically, this Type A reader meticulously keeps track of the number of books read in a year with the goal of increasing the total every year. Inevitably, I am disappointed if I find I have read fewer books than in previous years. Every year I also check out other...

My Favorite Reads of 2022
The year 2022 presented the opportunity to discover new authors and explore different genres. Despite the lure of offerings from the ever-growing number of streaming services I have signed up for since the pandemic, I managed to read about the same number of books as...

Blue Kettle Books: Old-school Charm on Wheels
For me, the waning days of summer always trigger a nostalgia for the excitement I felt about starting a new elementary school year. I was one of those kids who enjoyed school and was eager to start the autumnal process of preparing to return to Lake Louise Elementary...

17 Favorite Reads of 2021
At the start of a new year, I like to look back before turning to the future to review the books I have read and enjoyed over the past 365 days. My book journal, which I started in 2008, includes the book title, author, and a star next to those books I have...

The Unexpected Pleasure of Discovering “New” Old Words
Logophile noun logo·phile | \ˈlȯ-gə-ˌfī(-ə) A lover of words—new and old Like most editors, I love words. So naturally, I love dictionaries. They are one of the primary tools of every editor’s trade, and my go-to dictionary is Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary....

Hurray for Lazy Sundays and Smudgy Fingers
As a lifelong bookworm, I love nothing more than immersing myself in reading truly fine writing. When I became an editor, it seemed the perfect fit. What better job for a devoted bibliophile than reading other people’s writing and collaborating with them to create...

Trust: Respecting the Writer’s Voice
Respecting the writer’s voice. I put a lot of thought into creating the right tagline for my editing business, The Meticulous Type. I wanted it to convey my utmost respect for the writer’s voice and my assurance that it would be foremost in my thoughts when I edited...

The Intrepid Female Pack Horse Librarians
I am an ardent fan of public libraries and have been fortunate to have had easy access to them my entire life. I’d venture to say that most booklovers take the library system in their community for granted. But it wasn’t always the case in the United States. During...

The Typewriter: Nostalgia Meets Reality
Like many, I decided to start the new year with a few well-intentioned resolutions: lose that pesky ten (or more) pounds, exercise consistently, clear out the garage, declutter the closets. But the problem with this year’s resolutions was that they were exact repeats...

Editing the Painted Story: The Art and Writing of Janet Hill
One of the absolute joys of being an editor is working with creative individuals, especially those who share my passions. Two interests at the top of my list are books and art. Since becoming an editor, I have dreamt of the day when I could apply my editing skills to...